“Woke" is Irrational And Dangerous

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

“Woke" is Irrational And Dangerous Human reason is our greatest attribute. It's our ability to Reason that has elevated us to be the dominant species on the planet; Its human reason that distinguishes us from chimpanzees. Whenever people Abandon Reason, they are cognitively no better off than chimpanzees.

Non-reasoning people rely on their FEELINGS to make decisions, while rational people rely on factual evidence and logic.

When we abandon reason, we abandon our highest and most noble attribute, returning us to chaos; and the “law of the jungle” : where society is ruled by force.

"Woke" is systematically irrational; It wilfully and purposefully abandons reason and replaces it with subjective feelings.

"Woke" denies BIOLOGICAL facts and substitutes it with individual feelings.

If a particular man looks at his body and FEELS that he'd prefer to be a woman, then "woke" ideology claims that the facts of genetic inheritance and 3.5 billion years of Natural evolution can simply be dismissed on momentary personal whim and replaced by whichever gender the person "feels" is right.

This idea is blatant irrationalism. It’s insane.

"Woke" is institutionalised irrationalism, publicly endorsed and promoted by the state.

"Woke" is Dangerous When people abandon reason and embrace irrationalism, treating whims as their gold standard, they invent non-existent concepts like: "A person can be born into the wrong body" This idea is insane: It denotes nothing in reality! There is no such thing as “being born into the wrong body” !!!

When politicians say such things then society is at risk of collapsing into chaos.

Legally enforced irrationalism: When the Labour Party threatens the public with jail for violating the "woke" agenda, you can kiss goodbye to a civilized society.

Stable Civilisation depends on Reason Civilized societies are those where we treat people reasonably! We assume the people we live with are Rational. We assume that others are approaching life and problems in logical ways.

When society and government officials overtly abandon reason, imposing irrational, illogical, nonsensical ideologies such as the idea that people can choose their gender from 92 different varieties, then civilisation teeters on the edge of collapse.

“Who the Gods would destroy, they first make mad“

Reform is Reason The vast majority of British people are rational and believe in common-sense politics. We're astonished and worried to see the descent of international politics into the chaos of insane “woke" ideology.

Reform UK reaffirms common sense politics ! Because to live long and prosper, we Need a sensible, Rational society where facts are facts: Where: men are men, women are women, And especially….. children are children !

Children are NOT the playthings of those dangerous woke people who’d love to groom our kids to satisfy their sexual predilections.

Woke is dangerous to kids!! Get Woke ideology out of schools ! It Amounts to sexual grooming.

It is interesting to note that Woke is BIG in The Disney Corporation - Because they’re coming for the kids!

"Woke" is a threat to our children, our society and our country.

Reform UK rejects Woke Reform Reaffirms Reason

We wage war on "woke".

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And vote for Reform UK.

Chris Farmer, Reform UK, Chris Farmer • Gloucester • Reform UK

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