We Have An Important Decision To Make

Thursday, 21 September 2023

We Have An Important Decision To Make "When your mind is on a mission, you notice things in the environment that relate to it.

While walking in London, I noticed this poster for a new London play, and the image struck me as symbolic of the situation we're facing.

England, in fact, the whole United Kingdom, is at a historical crossroads with four options available: We can go far left, far right, backwards, or forwards.

Backwards The green lobby wants to take us backwards. There is a strong—no, very strong—push to revert to the preindustrial age by eliminating hydrocarbon fuels, which power the vast majority of the 21st-century economy.

It's impossible to power an industrialised civilisation on wind turbines, heat pumps, and solar panels. Eliminating hydrocarbons would send us back two hundred years. The collapse in living standards would be unbearable because the destruction would be life threatening.

Those who love the planet advocate a regression to a preindustrial age when poverty was the norm. So, we cannot go Net Zero backwards.

What about the far right and far left?

The far left, pushes for ever greater state contrl of daily life and choices. State-run, command, and control societies mean that the government controls everything and you control nothing. The government dictates what you read, think, the medications you take, where you can go, and even if you can travel. We reject this authoritarian state, command and control approach. I'm not interested in Tony Blair's surveillance society, which is based upon a China's model.

Far right? The WEF Corporate Governance model The far right WEF called "stakeholder capitalism," which is really a corporate dictatorship. In this model, people—like you and me—are controlled by multinational corporations; big banks, big tech, big pharma, big oil, and media entities control finance, information, and physical resources. So, once again, we have no control over our own lives. If you have the "wrong" views, they'll shut you down. We've seen this happen with Nigel Farage.

I reject far-left socialism, government dictatorship, and I reject far-right WEF WHO corporate dictatorship.

I also reject going backwards to a preindustrial Age economy.

Forward Let’s move forward together. I believe that we should progress and reestablish England (Great Britain) as the country we were born to be.

That is, a country based upon four basic principles:

  1. Freedom: Freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom to travel, and freedom from coercion.

  2. Enterprise: A society based on the creation of millions of small to medium-sized businesses, which employ between one and 200 people and form the backbone of our economy, creating the wealth we all rely on.

  3. Public Service: Excellent public services; NHS, police, education, and border controls, which can only be sustained within a productive, free-enterprise economy.

  4. Sovereignty: Britain as a free, sovereign nation, sovereign secure borders, Sovereign nation independent from external pressures from entities like the EU, WEF, WHO, IPCC, World Bank, UN, etc.

Britain is ready, willing, and able to take control of its actions without being told what to do by the likes of Klaus Schwab or anyone else.

The British people are sovereign; politicians are our servants. The British people don't take orders from politicians; politicians take orders from the British people.

This is the way forward. If you look at the picture, you'll see the path is clear: Towards A Land of Hope and Glory.

A picture is worth 1000 words. Remember the image and make your choice.

Thank you.

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Chris, Farmer, Reform UK

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