Value Your Vote !
Sunday, 17 March 2024
Whilst campaigning for Reform UK, I often hear people say they will not vote at the next election because their vote “won’t make any difference.”
This is a very common statement but is disastrous for the many millions of people who want to see change but have given up hope of achieving it.
They believe that no matter what they do as an individual, their one small vote means nothing in the big scheme of things. So – why bother?
Value your vote. I tell people that we must put more value on our vote because if we each abandon the struggle against the forces ranged against us, then we will lose by default.
There are literally tens of millions of people in the country who are desperate for change and yet are dispersed in small pockets, each thinking they are on their own and in the tiny minority.
All that needs to happen for a political revolution to occur is for all the individuals and couples, who sit at home worrying for the future and hoping that someone will come to save us, must realise that we are our own saviours.
We can save ourselves simply by voting.
If the millions who make up “the silent majority” gained the courage and the imagination to put their vote where their mouth is- then we could see a tsunami of change in favour of Reform UK, sufficient to obliterate the corrupted political establishment.
Value your vote. We must encourage everyone who is unhappy with the current direction of the country to value their vote, and to put their cross next to the Reform candidates in their area.
That is all that is required to change politics for good and Save Britain.
Minority groups stand together. It is an interesting contrast to note that Palestinians and other minority groups are much better than the native British at coordinating their supporters to take action.
London protests. The huge numbers of Palestinian supporters, who take action and protest on the streets of London every week, show how a coordinated response has amazing political power.
Words into action. If all the people who say they are unhappy about the direction of the country would take those words and turn them into simple actions, such as voting for the Reform party at the next election and helping us to campaign and encourage others to do the same, then we will see a tsunami of change.
Let’s encourage our supporters to put more value on their vote and to become more confident that their voice really does count.
Let us go forward together!
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Chris Farmer #ReformUK #gloucester