Ultimately, We Will Win

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Ultimately, We Will Win Sometimes, when I read comments on Facebook or listen to my friends I hear a faint sense of futility in their words, Many Reformers believe the enemy is too strong and that we are destined to fail.

That’s Not True!

The opposite is true. It is the Enemy that is weak because they are wrong.

The only reason the Enemy seems to be strong is because the vast majority of right-thinking people are doing nothing.

They've given up; due to a misguided belief that there's nothing they can do.

The Enemy is strong only in the presence of an inactive, disheartened, and fearful population.

Which is why our enemy spends so much time, money and effort scaring people. They believe in state-sponsored terror because a terrified population is easy to control.

The true power of people The moment that the public understands that it holds all the cards and is powerful beyond measure, then the small number of crazies who are running the show and who are driving this country into the ground, will be swept away like a Sandcastle on the beach.

Wrong is weak Whatever is wtong is weak. It is important to remember that anything which is wrong is inherently unstable and falls to pieces when you apply a pressure or residence. Which is why, ultimately, our enemies will fail.

The wrong always fails. Anything which is wrong won't work. To test that theory, try wiring up a plug wrong. Plug it in and you'll find that it won't work. Only if you wire up the plug right, will it work properly.

Likewise, Only if you wire up a brain right, will it work properly.

Only if you govern a country right, will it work properly.

Insanity fails. So all these insane, crazy ideas will, and must, ultimately fail. Their inherent contradictions and idiot practitioners will ensure their ultimate demise.

But on the way, much damage is done. In the act of failing, Crazies cause much damage. So its up to us to quickly and expertly expose and dismantle their arguments.

We must expose the wrong, the insane, crazy and even Evil elements in our society and we must replace them with the good, the rational, the logical, and the MORAL ideas that underpin all successful societies.

Those ideas are:

Freedom Enterprise Public service Creativity Productivity National Sovereignty Honesty. Rational optimism

These are the principles upon which this great nation was built.

Let’s use the same principles again to make Britain Great.

So, take heart, my friend, and feel Strong!

It’s time to throw out the trash!

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Chris Farmer. Reform Uk Chris Farmer • Gloucester • Reform UK

#ReformUK #gloucester