This New Battle is Bigger than Brexit

Sunday, 23 September 0007

There’s a NEW Battle for Britain, and it’s bigger than Brexit. The new battle is for freedom against the corporate and political establishment. The recent fights that Farage has had with Coutts Bank illustrate that the corporate, political elites' new world order is based upon stifling freedom, controlling thought, and making false claims. Most major politicians are committed to the globalist concept; A one-world view headed by a one-world government. Their weapons of choice are fear, fraud, threat, lies and coercion. Modern politicians do not offer us visions of a strong, prosperous, and free society. Modern politicians offer us only threats and predictions of the end of the world. According to them, we must agree to surrender our money and our freedoms to the ruling elites, for only they are wise enough to save the planet, that we (you and me) are killing with our cars- whilst they fly in private jets. Politics shouldn’t be this way. True and good politics offers people a promise of an optimistic vision for a better future; a future where we are all strong, prosperous, and free. Proper politics is not based upon fear, founded on fake computer simulations, threats, and coercion. Proper politics is based upon reason, freedom, enterprise, and integrity. Have you noticed that reason and logic have been attacked over the last few years? Reason has been replaced with blatant irrationalism and negative emotions Have you noticed how freedom has been attacked? It has been replaced by lockdowns, mandates, and coercive threats. Have you noticed that integrity has been completely lacking in British politics? It’s been replaced by lies, distortions, and false claims It’s time to stop the rot. It’s time to vote for a party that believes in traditional British values: Freedom; Enterprise and Integrity The time to vote for a party who will make us all feel we are strong, prosperous, and free. This is what I believe in, and I hope you do too. If you do , please join me and vote for Reform UK Gloucester

#thereformparty #coutts #NigelFarage #Brexit #gloucester