The Government Is Against Us
Wednesday, 06 March 2024
The current House of Commons does not represent the British people, nor do they work to improve our lives.
On the contrary, the current House of Commons is working diligently against the best interest of the British people, and in favour of their paymasters, who are the global corporations and institutions that make up the so-called "elites."
Kamikaze policies. The Tory government was handed an 80-seat majority by the British people in order to Get Brexit Done
They didn’t get Brexit done; They castrated Brexit
And then they moved onto the main agenda, which is destruction of the nation-state.
The British government has been dismantling Britain for decades but over the last few years, it has gone into overdrive.
Destruction of Britain is their aim. They do this by multiple means:
Collapse of national borders, which leads to massive immigration and watering down of British culture by means of multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism is the annihilation of a culture by introducing many others so that the original culture loses its identity. British culture is losing its identity, and it’s done on purpose.
Destruction of the economy  The economy is flatlining because of purposeful government policy. Over taxation, the government overtaxes and takes money out of people's pockets, which takes away their ability to choose how to spend their money. The government prefers to take your money and spend it for you rather than give you the freedom to choose. The government takes your money and spends it on Net Zero
Net zero is the single most destructive, unscientific, and suicidal policy in existence.
It justifies an attack on agriculture, where they intend to take 20% of all agricultural land out of production, leading to higher food prices and poverty.
Net zero is a justification for the removal of diesel and motorcars, upon which our lives depend. It is impossible to run a 21st-century economy on electricity alone. We need petrol and diesel-driven vehicles to transport goods, services, and people and to maintain our freedom and lifestyles. The attack on petrol and diesel engines is an attack on us all
Net zero is an attack on energy, driving up the cost of energy and placing an enormous burden on the economy and our lifestyles.
Net Zero is a suicidal kamikaze policy, and the House of Commons is committed to it.
Destruction of British culture and history The woke ideology denigrates the concept of Britishness as being "built on slavery," ignoring the fact that it was Britain where slavery was first outlawed in 1807.
Slavery was a global phenomenon that existed throughout all of human history in every part of the world, including Africa, and is not restricted to black slaves and white owners.
The UK government is acting against us, not for us, and they need to be replaced.
We need a new grassroots political party called Reform UK, that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
That’s why I’m standing for Reform UK. To get this country back on track.
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Thank you Chris Farmer #ReformUK