Reform UK is for Freedom, Not Fascism

Monday, 10 June 2024

Reform UK is for Freedom, Not Fascism The mainstream media and internet trolls love to call Reform UK “far-right” and even “fascist.”

Fascism originated with Benito Mussolini in the 1930s. In political terms, fascism signifies an authoritarian, statist ideology where individual rights are subordinated to the state. In fascist regimes, a small group of government officials holds power over everyone else, resulting in the tyranny of the many by the few.

The Conservative and Labour parties have claimed more power over citizens, with individual rights being blatantly violated, especially during the Covid lockdowns, through increased taxation, and through coercive measures like mandated vaccines under the "no jab, no job" policy.

By contrast, Reform UK members vehemently oppose this growing governmental power. We are fighting fiercely for the freedom of individual citizens against the state's coercive power.

Our opponents continually label us as far-right or fascists. These labels are fundamentally false. We stand in direct opposition to fascism by advocating for the protection of individual rights against government overreach.

Those who attack Reform UK by calling us "far-right" or "fascist" clearly do not understand the meaning of the word fascist. They use these terms as insults, revealing their complete ignorance of the meanings of their own words.


Please remember these facts and use them any time you hear someone incorrectly calling you far-right or fascist.

Thank you very much,

Chris Farmer