Politicians Say One Thing; And Do The Exact Opposite !
Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Politicians Say One Thing; And Do The Exact Opposite ! We disrespect politicians because they say one thing but do the opposite. They have no integrity.
Examples: The Tories say they believe in cutting CO2 ; Then they authorise drilling new enormous oilfields in the North Sea.
They say they will ban petrol engine cars by 2030, and then they say they won’t.
They say they are “safe and effective”, and later we find they are not.
They claim they are “the party of business” and then they raise corporation taxes.
They say they are a low-tax party and then increase taxes to the highest rates in 70 years.
They claim to work for the British people, but they align themselves with the WEF world government project.
They promise to get Brexit done, but European law still applies.
They say they will “stop the boats”, but still, the boats keep coming.
They claim to believe in democracy, yet Sunak was installed, ignoring the wishes of the Conservative party membership and the public.
No Moral Principles Modern politicians have no principles other than their lust for money and power.
Words As Tools of Deception They use language as a tool to get what they want. Concepts such as honesty, integrity, and principle have no meaning to them. Politicians say whatever they need to say in order to get the result they want, and they don’t see anything wrong with it. They call it “political messaging”.
Political messaging is using language simply as a tool to manipulate minds in order to get people to do what you want them to do, without any regard to truth, honesty, facts, or morality. Politicians are amoral. Some politicians are immoral.
They call it pragmatism. Pragmatism is the philosophy that rejects principles and simply looks at practical results. If actions (or words) achieve the desired results, then they are considered “good”. So, if a set of words achieves the desired result, those words are deemed good. Pragmatism has no moral guidance other than the achievement of a desired goal.
Our politicians are goal-seeking people and their goal is the accumulation of money and power, and they say and do anything to get it. For a pragmatist, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Principles do matter. Most people believe that truth, honesty, and integrity are important, and that politicians should - above all - be honest, truthful, and have integrity!
It seems so obvious; it makes me wonder why they don’t know it.
We need to reform UK politics. We need to throw out the politicians who have abandoned truth, and who are lusting after ever more money and power, and replace them with a new set of reforming politicians who believe in principles:
Truth Freedom Enterprise Production and Trade Security Service Integrity Honesty Great Britain was built on these concepts. To make Britain great again, we must return to them.
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Chris, Farmer. Reform UK #ReformUK #gloucester