Politicians Promote Fear

Thursday, 07 March 2024

All modern politicians motivate the public by fear: Fear of Carbon Dioxide Fear of viruses Fear of “the far right” Fear of “extremists” Fear of the Russians Fear of the Labour Party Fear of the Conservative Party Et cetera, ad nauseam

Why do they use fear? Because many people are motivated by fear. So, we see a nation PURPOSEFULLY induced into constant state of anxiety, worry, fear and a loss of confidence. Fear is their Weapon of Choice

WEF The World Economic Forum is feeding our government the scripts. At Davos, they talk about “the immense global crisis that faces the world”, which requires “a global response” which can only come from “a global government” run by the members of the Davos club.

Only the elites can save us!

I don’t buy it!

Instead of fear; We need…

Visions of a Better Future Politics should be about building visions of a better future.

Better Futures I believe that the future can- and should- be better than the past.

With the right politicians in place, (and the WRONG ones thrown out), we can dispel the fear and the anxiety, and replace it with it with; Optimism Confidence Creativity Productivity Energy Contuous improvement

These emotions are Based upon the following political- economic principles:

Freedom First: Freedom to live your life, free from excessive interference from grasping governments.

Enterprise Economy An economy which is driven by the creative genius of the British people by means of …

Wealth creating enterprise economy We need a low tax, low regulation, high productivity economy

Rather than funding from taxpayers given to certain industries at the expense of others (EV cars from petrol cars) our economy creates wealth by means of harnessing the productive -creative -inventive abilities of the British people

Governments don’t make people rich Governments can make people poor by overtaxing them and screwing-up the economy

The people can make governments rich a productive low tax enterprise economy We grow our way out of economic trouble

Strong Borders The country is delineated by its borders, which must be kept secure.

Strong Military The country is defended by its military and police, which must be kept strong.

Strong British Culture The country is defined by its population, who share a set of values, language, history, traditions, and customs.

Reform UK reflects Britain At Its Best and has an optimistic view of a better future.

Voting Beyond Fear Don’t let fear decide your vote. Don’t vote Conservative because you fear Labour. Don’t vote Labour because you fear Conservatives.

Vote for what you desire ! I’m standing for Reform UK because I want and believe in a better future.

One based upon Britain at its best. Strong, confident, and free.

Only Reform UK policies can Save Britain.

Let’s go forward together!

Please leave a comment Thank you

Chris Farmer #ReformUK #gloucester