Net Zero is Futile and Economic Suicide
Thursday, 13 June 2024
The mad rush to net zero is both futile and economically disastrous. Net zero is the single most destructive economic policy ever invented because it increases the cost of energy.
Energy is essential for every product, service, home, and individual. When energy becomes expensive, everyone suffers and is pushed into poverty.
The Futility of Net Zero Net zero is futile because China’s increase in CO2 emissions in a single year is more than the whole of the UK’s annual output.
In 2022, the UK’s total carbon emissions were about 341 million tonnes of CO2.
In contrast, China’s emissions increased by around 600 million tonnes in 2023 alone.
And this completely ignores comparable numbers from India, Pakistan and other developing nations around the world
This makes the UK’s efforts totally insignificant on the global scale.
Massive Economic Destruction Instead of improving our economy and generating jobs, Net Zero destroys the economy.
Although some jobs are created in the green energy sector, EVERY OTHER sector is decimated by the increased cost of energy.
Scrap net zero. Reform UK is the only party that opposes net zero and will create cheap, clean, sustainable energy based on tried and trusted technologies.
Cheap energy creates wealth Cheap energy means everybody is richer. With cheap energy the economy will grow, more people will start businesses, and more people will be employed.
Gas, electricity, fuel, and transport will be much cheaper.
We will all benefit from scrapping net zero.
Please leave your comments Chris Farmer #ReformUK