Media Twist Words

Friday, 22 September 2023

Media Twist Words I have noticed a tendency in the media and in politics for the meanings of words to be twisted. They are often used as a means to confuse people rather than enlighten them.

Examples Classifying CO2 as a pollutant. I often read statements that certain countries are “rpolluting the world with CO2” Calling CO2 a pollutant is a misuse of language, equivalent to a lie.

A pollutant is a toxic chemical compound. CO2 is NOT a toxic chemical compound.

It is the fundamental life giving gas of the planet. To call CO2 a pollutant indicates that the writer is ignorant, dishonest, or both.

Far right: I've noticed that politicians and media often label their opponents as "far right." “Far right" is a term synonymous with fascism and Nazism. To accuse somebody of being far right indicates they are sympathetic to fascism and Nazism. The press labels anyone who argues with the "narrative" as being far right. The Reform Party, Nigel Farage, and Marine Le Pen (the French political leader) are all accused of being “far right”. Labeling people as Far Right is an easy way to discredit them.

CVD related deaths: Throughout the pandemic, we were being told of CVD related deaths. The relationship between CVD and death was time-based. Any death that occurred within 28 days of a positive test was classified as a "CVD related death." If a person was run over by a bus, the death would be classified as a CVD related death.

This is an obviously fraudulent way of using language and building statistics to sustain a narrative.

True science looks for CAUSALITY not tenuous "relationships."

Language is the tool of thought. When politicians, media and so-called scientists distort language, they distort thinking, and without clear thinking, their answers are wrong.

We demand precision. We must demand a higher standard from politicians, scientists, and others. Without clear, precise, accurate language, terrible mistakes will continue to be made. And many people will continue to be fooled.

Accurate language, Only with clear, accurate, precise language, can we figure things out and move forward to a better world.

Thank you.. Chris, Farmer.

#ReformUK #gloucester