Lets Throw Out The Bad And Replace It With The Good ;
Sunday, 10 March 2024
Reform UK will change politics for Good in the following 10 ways:
High tax rates are bad; Lower tax rates are good. High tax rates strip people of their money and economic choices. We believe in lower tax rates, allowing people to retain their money and make their own buying decisions, which stimulates economic growth and incentivises work
More government regulations are bad; fewer government regulations are good. Over-regulation stifles efficiency, as government planners cannot possibly understand the complexities of economic decisions made by millions. State planned economies have been tried in Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, and other socialist communist countries; they always fail. We believe in less government regulation to allow free people and market dynamics to drive economic growth through a free enterprise economy
Crushing small businesses is bad; supporting small businesses is good. The Conservative Party's policies have crushed many small businesses. By lowering taxes and reducing regulations, Reform Uk will create a more business-friendly environment that encourages the growth of small and medium-sized businesses.
Uncontrolled illegal immigration is bad; strictly controlled immigration is good. The out of control flow of illegal immigration damages the economy, public services, and British culture. We introduce policies that ensure immigration is legal, limited, and tightly controlled.
Promoting the sexualisation and gender confusion in schools is bad; protecting children from these trends is good. The trend towards early sexualisation and encouraging gender confusion among children is Sinful and harmful. Schools should safeguard children from these pernicious influences, focusing on education we will eliminate any attempts to sexualise our children or promote gender, dysmorphia
Ignoring excess deaths and sickness post-rollout is bad; investigating these health anomalies is good. The government's failure to examine the rise in deaths and illnesses following the vaccine rollout is a dereliction of duty. A thorough investigation is necessary for public health and safety Wrongdoers must be brought to justice
Attacking internal combustion engines is bad; preserving the internal combustion engines is good. The move to ban diesel and petrol engines by 2030 under net zero plans threatens to obliterate the British economy since all products and services need to be transported. there is no viable alternative to petrol and diesel engines. EV are too expensive too heavy and too dangerous Maintaining energy from hydrocarbons and nuclear is crucial.
Undermining farming and agriculture is bad; supporting agriculture and farmers is good. Government policies that force farmers to reduce productive land jeopardize food production, and farmers livelihoods. The net zero nutters want to eliminate 20% of farmland from production. This would increase the price of all foods and drive us all deeper into poverty, We advocate for the support of farmers and the elimination of net zero madness
Bias in police enforcement is bad; impartial law enforcement is good. The shift towards political correctness in policing detracts from the core mission of the prevention and detection of crime Law enforcement should be not be geared to favouring certain classes of people such as black lives matter, LGBT, or certain religious, factions . the police must police “without fear or favour” and should focus on preventing and detecting crime ! And Nothing else
The government serving their corporate paymasters, is bad; the government serving the people, including the working, middle, and business classes, is good. The government's alignment with corporate and global entities such as WEF. W H,O European Union, UN and other corporate entities. over Denise of UK citizens our nation, and its democracy
 MPs who work for global corporations must be eliminated from the House of Commons, and replaced with Reform Uk MPs who will work for the British people.
Reform UK is committed to changing Bad politics for Good !
If you share my vision, please leave a comment with us in the comments.
Thank you Chris Farmer #ReformUK #gloucester