Goverment Spending Does Not Create Jobs
Monday, 03 June 2024
Goverment Spending Does Not Create Jobs
If a government spends £10 million building a wind farm, every pound spent on the wind farm must be taken from somebody in the community.
Every job created on the wind farm is a job lost elsewhere in the community. If the government claims it has created 500 wind farm jobs, then it must be remembered that 500 jobs have been lost elsewhere in the community.
If the government claims it has created 500 jobs, it is lying.
It has actually diverted 500 jobs distributed across the community and concentrated them at the wind farm site.
No jobs were created; they were diverted.
If the government taxes people £10 million to build the wind farm for political gain, then they have violated the economic freedoms of the taxpayers, who would otherwise have spent that same £10 million on things they chose, rather than on what politicians choose to further their own political careers.
In that sense, taxes are dishonest.
If a government spends £10 million on a wind farm, those assets are seen as realities every day. But What is not seen is the lost production that will never take place because the £10 million was taken from the community to build the wind farm. We will not see the businesses that were never started. We will not see the businesses that went bankrupt to pay for the wind farm. We will not see the houses that were never built or the cafés that never opened because £10 million was siphoned off by the government to spend on its pet projects of so-called “sustainable energy.”
It is only sustainable so long as they can take the money from the public to pay for it.
This is the fantasy that government spending creates jobs
It doesn’t
It only diverts them
Chris Farmer #ReformUK